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Is your work-from-anywhere policy compliant?

Ensure full compliance for workations. Learn if A1 certificates and visas suffice and how HR can meet duty of care for employee travel.

Pieter Manden LLM MBA


➡️ What does it take for a company to remain fully compliant when employees go on work-from-anywhere trips? Is an A1 certificate and visa enough? What measures should HR and travel teams take to ensure the employer's duty of care is fulfilled when employees travel?

Our experts, Pieter Manden, LLM, MBA, Co-founder of WorkFlex, and Brock Dale, Senior WorkFlex Consultant, guide you through the critical aspects of compliant work-from-anywhere policy management.

In the session, you learn about key things to consider when creating and managing your work-from-anywhere policy. 🧐

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Schließt euch hunderten von Unternehmen an, die Workations und Geschäftsreisen bereits 100% compliant gestalten.

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